Category Archives: psychic

T is for ‘Token’ (of my appreciation): A new and exclusive guided meditation – a gift for you.

Hi There!

To show my appreciation for your continued support, I have created a guided meditation for you (keep reading, it’s at the bottom of the page).

It’s designed to solve the two most common problems my clients ask for help with in their intuitive development.

1: I don’t believe in myself and my abilities enough – how can I overcome this?

2: How do I clearly receive and TRUST accurate and specific information in both psychic work and mediumship?

If you are an intuitive/psychic/medium at any stage of development who suffers from self-doubt and wants to be open to receiving the most accurate and healing information possible then this meditation is for you.

From listening to this meditation, my clients have also reported:

  • Improved Sleep
  • Deeper feelings of well being.
  • Feeling de-stressed.
  • Experiencing greater empathy and forgiveness for others.

I think these wonderful extra benefits are due to the music. My dear friend and maestro of the angels Punit Yaatri channelled a musical composition especially for this meditation. And it’s so special and so beautiful. You can find out more about Punit and how his music has LITERALLY saved lives by clicking on his lovely serene image…

punit, yaatri, angels, healing, music, brain heart music, dementia, alzheimers, autism

This meditation WILL improve your confidence and the accuracy of your readings (and your intuition more generally). You ARE intuitive, you ARE powerful and you ARE worthy…because you ARE SPIRIT. xxx

Need more help? I offer one-to-one coaching for intuitives/psychics and mediums at all stages of development.

All My Love,

Lauren x


T is for ‘Tuition’: Being Psychic Means Nurturing the Power of the Clairs.


How many of ‘the clairs’ can you name? Lots of people have heard of clairvoyance but did you know there’s a whole array of ‘clairs’ that you can develop to improve you intuition and bring accuracy and detail to your readings?

In this video, I walk you through ‘the clairs’ and how to use them. i hope you enjoy this video, please leave me a comment and I’ll respond to you, and I’d love to know if there’s an aspect of psychic development you’d like me to make a video about – ask away! xx

S is for ‘Sabbatical’ (I’m back from a long one!)


You have received crickets from me for about a year. Sorry about that. I’ve been finishing up my time at University (just one semester and finals to go!) and when that’s done, I’ll be back to blogging in a big way.

In the meantime, I hope you’ll be pleased, informed and entertained by a series of videos I’ve created called Withintuition. As I’m sure you can guess, these videos will help you hone, sharpen and enliven your psychic, intuitive and mediumistic abilities. The course is free and I’ll be posting the videos right here on From Angels to Zen, so they should be softly landing in your inbox on the regular.

I hope you enjoy them!

In this video, I talk about the importance of meditation in developing your intuitive abilities – seriously, if you want to get psychic, get meditating. It helps. A lot.

All My Love,

Lauren x

S is for ‘Synchronicity’: The Weird Feeling That It’s Just Meant To Be.

S is for ‘Synchronicity’ audio transmission (From Angels to Zen).

There are so many great words that begin with S: Spirit. Saviour. Sexy. Sensual. Steady. Sincere. Simple. Sublime. I settled on ‘synchronicity’ because it incorporates all of those things.

For my twenty-fourth birthday, my mother offered to take me to the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Studies. At this point, I was ten years into my deliberate intuitive development. I had trusted Spirit, been guided by my feelings, studied books and listened to feedback but I hadn’t received much in the way of ‘official’ tuition. I had heard of the Arthur Findlay College and I was aware of its reputation as the best school in the world for developing psychics and mediums.

I was desperate to go.

Arthur Findlay, psychic, medium, mediumship

Arthur Findlay College a.k.a Stansted Hall circa. 2009.

I picked a week-long course and my mother gave me a book to read: Looking Back by James Arthur Findlay.

It was a huge tome, about the life and times of the man who had left his stately home in Stansted, England to the advancement of psychical research. After his passing in 1964, his home became the Arthur Findlay College. I settled down on my sofa bed in my one bedroom flat, to spend some time getting to know Mr. Findlay before visiting Stansted Hall. I had been engrossed in his story of religion, scepticism, evidence, mediumship and belief, for several hours. My hungry reading was brought to a standstill, however, by a page that featured a letter sent to Mr. Findlay. I stared at it for a long moment, immobilized, enveloped, filled up, by the pure soft fabric of synchronicity…

page, book, arthur findlay, glasses, focus

It reads ‘J. Arthur Findlay, Woodside House, Beith’.

The letter was addressed to Mr Findlay at Woodside House, Beith. Beith is a tiny town in the west of Scotland. Beith is 310 miles away from Stansted Hall in England. Beith is my home – it’s where I grew up. Beith is where I went to school. As a child, I played in the grounds of Woodside House, where Mr Findlay once lived.

I got synchro-chills all over. I experienced a strong awareness that Mr Findlay’s life and mine were inextricably linked – that he, I, this book and this town were somehow in it together and that, without knowing, we were very, very important to each other. I felt a deeply comforting sense that something very personal and Universal, important and natural, grand and yet careful was going on. For a moment I felt that his spirit was my spirit was all our spirits. I could picture him smiling; guiding me on the path that was uncannily like his own, having a good laugh at my bewilderment at the connection – the discovery – I’d just made.

That feeling is wonderful. That feeling of being guided. Being expansive. Being on purpose. That feeling of ‘I’m meant to be’, that feeling that perhaps what life has in store for me without my interference, is better than what I’m capable of choosing for myself. That feeling of ‘thank you’ I see you. The feeling that the Universe has invested deeply and fully in me. That feeling of, ‘ok, that was weird’. The thrill of feeling so lovingly connected over space and time. The comfort of knowing there is a flow, and the relief at receiving permission to stop struggling and just get in it. To me, synchronicity is that permission. It’s the Universe saying ‘we’ve got this, let go.’

I can honestly say that every significant, wonderful, fulfilling thing that’s ever happened in my life has come to be through odds-defying synchronicity. Not planning, not trying, not worrying, not aiming. Just being, recognizing and appreciating.

Try it. Stop. Breathe. Let go. You are already being guided.

I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject of synchronicity. Have you ever experienced a strange ‘coincidence’ that changed the course of your life? Have you felt the synchro-chills? Why do we have synchronicity? What’s your theory? Deposit your wisdom here…

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This post is dedicated to James Arthur Findlay who returned to the Spirit world on 24th July 1964, and whose life and work has inspired me so much.

Next week on From Angels To Zen, I interview Robin and Sandra Foy, two quarters of The Scole Experiment who, in the 1990s, achieved some of the best evidence for life after death ever recorded. Twenty years on, we talk physical mediumship, interdimensional communication, the philosophy of energy and effective techniques for experimenting with Spirit. I hope you’ll join us, this is not to be missed!

In the meantime, come join the party at or tweet me @angellassie.

R is for ‘Responses’: You questioned, I answered.

Hello! My apologies that this post is arriving with you later than planned. Creating this podcast has been a learning experience for me as I had to do everything from scratch and it took me a while to get the hang of it! Before this, I had never worked with recording equipment or editing software. I had never done readings where people have written to me to ask for information, and I had never done readings where I couldn’t interact with the person I was reading for…so I have learned a lot from creating this recording! To those of you who wrote to me to ask for a reading or advice: thank you for your trust. I hope the information in the recording is helpful to you.

At the beginning of the podcast, I say that I’m going to speak about my most frequently asked questions. So many people wrote to me for advice that I didn’t get around to the FAQs within the hour, but they will be the subject of a future post so stay tuned!

Click ‘play’ to listen to the podcast in which I answer your questions (which were consistently about work and employment this time!)

Do you have a question or comment? Would you like a reading or some coaching advice in a future podcast?

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Intro track: Partial Relaxation by Cosmotose

Twitter: @angellassie

future, crystal ball, predict, psychic

P is for ‘Predictions’: Can Psychics Predict the Future?


A few months ago, one of my clients asked me:

‘Can psychics predict the future?’

This is a good question. Psychics and mediums often hotly disagree as to the correct answer, and in this week’s post, I want to offer you some things to consider when making up your own mind as to whether or not a psychic can tell you about your future.

In this discussion, I am taking for granted that psychic connections between people exist, and that through those connections, true information can be transmitted between individuals.

We think of the past and present as being fixed; so an event that has already happened, or is happening presently, cannot be changed. Because the past and present are fixed, it seems that an individual could transmit psychic information about events that have already happened to him or her. In our common-sense conception of the world, the future does not have the same fixed quality as the past or the present. An individual has not experienced his or her own future yet, and so information about the future should not be apparent his or her energy and could not, therefore, be read by a psychic. This is the bare bones of the problem of predicting the future.

Another problem, and one which many people find utterly unacceptable, is that if an individual’s future can be predicted, then it brings his or her free will into doubt. How could it be both that an event in an individual’s life could be predicted; and that the individual is free to choose or reject that event? It seems impossible. It seems that the concepts of prediction and free will cannot co-exist.

So to recap, the two problems we face when thinking about whether or not a psychic can tell the future are:

  1. The future hasn’t happened yet.
  2. The possibility of correct predictions is inconsistent with the free will of the individual.

And so it seems like the case is closed. As long as the future hasn’t happened yet, and the individual has the capacity for choice, the idea of predicting the future cannot get off the ground.

…or can it?

In order to theorize about the possibility of predicting the future, we need to see the future in the same light as the present and the past, and, we need to reject that we have free will. This may seem utterly bonkers: I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow, and I can clearly choose whether to eat fruit or toast for breakfast I hear you say. But recently, theorists from various fields have presented the possibility that, contrary to our commonly held beliefs, you can know what’s going to happen tomorrow, and you do not have a choice about whether to eat fruit or toast. If these theories are in any way plausible, then the possibility that the future can be predicted is back on track.

Here’s how a theory for predicting the future could work:

  1. The future is exactly the same as the past and the present because there is no distinction. Spacetime is a 4-dimensional block in which all events are as real as each other, so theoretically, we can know the future in the same way that we know the present and the past. For more on this, go here for an easy-to-read and informative guide to time as a 4-d block.
  2. You do not have free will. You did not choose your body, your mind, your brain, your health, your parents, or any other causal force that resulted in your existence. Therefore, you are not responsible for any effects that result from those causal forces, so you do not have free will. The decision that you would have fruit or toast today was made for you, a long time ago. You feel that you have free will because the causal forces that led to the selection are not available to you in your conscious mind. For an insightful and entertaining exploration of this concept, check out this video by neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris.

The key idea here is that everything has a cause. Everything in your present was caused by your past, and everything in your future will be caused by your present self and your present situation. If you agree with this, and you are also willing to accept what we have taken for granted – that there is such a thing as psychic connectivity – then your future can be predicted by directing conscious, psychic energy to follow the determined causal chain that leads into your future, which, as we said, is an area of spacetime that is just as real as your past and your present.

This is a radical view. To preserve the notion of predicting the future, we have to commit to saying that the future is already determined by a web of causes and effects, and that consequently, we have no free will.

If you simply cannot deal with the consequences of this theory, there is another way that predicting the future can be preserved, and it involves a compromise. Perhaps psychics do not predict the future correctly all the time because a given cause has the potential to be responsible for multiple events, and that whichever event occurs is probabilistically determined. (Have a look at my post F is for ‘Fate’ for more on this). So in this theory, being hungry in the morning causes either toast or fruit or cereal or bacon and eggs or porridge to be eaten. If this decision is down to probability, then a psychic has a 20% chance of predicting what you will choose correctly. Not because he or she is guessing, but because he or she can only predict to the extent that probabilistic determination will allow. This conception fits with the famous double-slit experiment, which shows that, left alone, photons remain in a probabilistic state, but when an observer is introduced, the photon is forced into a determined state, an either/or choice. (Click here for more info on this.) Is it possible that our future’s are unfolding in a similar way? And if so, is it possible that a psychic can make a true prediction about your future?

There is so much more that could be said for and against the idea that the future can be predicted. I’d love to read your thoughts on the matter.

So what do you think? Can psychics predict the future? Do you have a story about a prediction that came true? Or one that was way off the mark? Have you ever made a spontaneous prediction that came true?

Thanks for reading! Your comments and questions are welcomed.

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Next week, R is for ‘Responses’: Have your Question Answered with a Free Reading or Coaching Advice!

To thank you for being loyal fans and subscribers, I am offering the chance for you to have an issue or question resolved in the form of a coaching session or reading. Do you want help finding a new job? Would you like to find love but not sure where to start? Do you want to be happier and healthier? etc.

Please contact me via a comment, email or facebook message with the question or issue you’d like help with. Write ‘coaching’ or ‘reading’ after your question to let me know which you’d like. My coaching sessions and readings normally cost $60-$100 – this is your chance to receive my services free of charge! I will choose a selection of your questions to answer in next weeks post, which will be a podcast – remember to tune in to find out if your question was selected, and to receive your advice. Thanks for your continued support – I look forward to working with you!

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For spiritual chat, giveaways and free readings, ‘like’ me at:

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P is for ‘Psychic’: 6 Tips for Improving your Intuitive Abilities.


Everyone is psychic. If you are a conscious being, then you are a transmitter of conscious energy, and the energy that you transmit can be perceived and interpreted by others, just as you can perceive and interpret the transmissions of others. This is the foundation of psychic connectivity, and is essential to your understanding of other people and the world around you.

Whether you are experienced at perceiving the world on a psychic level; or your psychic capabilities have lain relatively dormant, these five tried and tested tips are guaranteed to sharpen and enhance your intuitive abilities…

1. Meditate, meditate, meditate.

Meditation is the first and most important step in developing your psychic abilities. Meditation allows you to know yourself on a deeper level, and that is essential if you want to know others on the psychic level. When you meditate, you connect to different frequencies of reality in which psychic knowledge can be made available to you. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. What’s important is that you feel relaxed and comfortable, so that your mind can move out of the beta state (the everyday brain state that copes with stress, rush and anxiety) to alpha, theta and delta states which allow the flow of psychic information to come to the fore. Meditate every day, even if it is just for 5 minutes, and you will notice a difference in your psychic capabilities. Check out this video for a demonstration of how your brainwaves change when you meditate…

2. Work with someone you trust, with a view to helping each other develop.

The perfect partner is someone who is interested in developing their own psychic abilities; who you don’t know very well, but you know him or her well enough that you are comfortable with him or her, and who is willing to commit to your mutual growth. Take turns at being the ‘reader’ and the ‘recipient’. Having a guinea pig to work with is so useful because it allows you to apply what you have learned from your meditations in a safe, supportive environment. It’s like having someone spot you at the gym…only, for the soul! There are many different experiments you can try together to enhance your psychic connectivity. A good one is for the recipient to transmit a colour, emotion or memory, and for the ‘reader’ to receive the transmission and relay what he or she felt. Another good activity is for the reader to scan the recipient’s aura with his or her mind, and attune to one issue in the recipient’s life, for example, his or her career, and give information about that particular aspect. This is good practise for giving a well-controlled, well-rounded reading that addresses a number of concerns that the recipient might have. When you spend a lot of time connecting with someone in this way, a lovely friendship usually blossoms as well.

3. Practice, practice, practice!

Honing your intuitive abilities is like getting good at any other skill. It takes practice! When you feel ready, get friends and family involved. Do A LOT of experimental readings and as you do, remain very aware of occasions when the reading went well, and times when your readings went not so well. Ask yourself why one reading seemed easier than another. It may be something you can improve upon. Getting to know the feeling that accompanies an accurate message will help you to know the difference between a true psychic piece of information, and your own internal noise. This valuable knowledge only comes through practise and experience, working with many different people who each have their own unique energy. You should aim to get feedback from your recipients. Ask them which pieces of information rang true, which pieces of information gave them the greatest benefit, and which pieces of information they could have done without. This will give you an idea of the sorts of things people want to know about.

4. Feel the love.

Connecting with someone psychically is a very special experience. Both of you are acknowledging that there is some energy that connects both of you, and connects us all. As a reader, your recipient is trusting you with his or her emotions, history, hopes and fears. That is to be respected and cherished. Before each reading, I say ‘thank you for your trust’ in my mind and I really mean it. Do not forget the gravity of seeing so intimately into someone’s life. Three good rules are: If you wouldn’t like to hear it, then don’t say it. If you are about to talk about something sensitive, ask the recipient’s permission. Ask yourself, will this piece of information hurt or heal? Please note: No piece of information delivered with love will ever hurt your recipient.

Feeling the love also means looking after yourself. It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep, a healthy diet and good self-esteem will do for your psychic abilities. Respecting yourself and your role as a transmitter and interpreter of loving energy will improve your psychic abilities greatly.

5. Practise scrying with different tools and methods.

There are a variety of methods you can use to focus your psychic abilities. Over the years I have used angel cards, tarot cards, tea leaves, fire, ice, mirrors, palms, dreams, flowers, ribbons and a crystal ball (to name a few!). Using a divination tool has its good points and bad points. The negative side is that it puts something physically between you and your recipient, which leaves room for interference in your connection. The good points are that it can help with building your confidence because you can see symbols and shapes and attribute meaning to them that you wouldn’t have had access to without your scrying tool. You can often see the details of a situation more clearly as it is ‘laid out’ in front of you, and if you find it uncomfortable to work with a person’s energy directly, using a scrying tool can take the pressure off a bit. It’s important to note, however, that your psychic abilities depend upon the energy of the recipient. That is where the information and inspiration comes from – a divination tool just helps you to see it! Ideally, you want to work towards reading a person’s energy in its pure form, soul to soul.

6. Keep a journal that details your progress.

The purpose of this is twofold. The first reason to keep a journal is that you can reference it to see if there are any patterns that could give you insight about your strengths in terms of your psychic development. For example, you may look back over the months and see that you always get information about yourjournal recipient’s family situation exactly right. It can also help you to see if there are patterns in the information you struggle with. This can help you see the areas you need to work on moving forward. It also helps you to see where you could make your messages more specific, going forward, for example, you could use your meditation time to align yourself to receiving names, addresses and dates in future readings. The second reason for keeping a journal is that it wards off doubt. If you keep a journal, then you are documenting evidence that you have experienced psychic connectivity. If you get 7 out of 10 pieces of general information correct, that is statistically significant. If you do that 20 times over with different people, under a variety of conditions, then it is excellent evidence that you are utilizing your psychic abilities deliberately and intentionally to obtain the information. If you document 100 readings where you got names, dates and private inner thoughts of your recipient correct, then the odds of you guessing are infinitesimal! This will do wonders for your confidence and self belief which are essential for supporting your wonderful abilities.

Do you have a great tip for developing your psychic abilities? Have you tried any of the suggestions listed above? Please join in the discussion with your questions and comments!

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Next Time: P is for ‘Predictions’ : Can psychics predict the future, or not?

I’d love to see you over at:


mind, psychic, psi, natural, nature

E is for ‘Evidence’. Do Psychic Abilities Really Exist?

I have a theory about how our psychic abilities operate. I do not know for sure, but my 20,000 readings have given me data to work with, time to ponder, and experience upon which to reflect, and my theory is the sum of these parts. I’d particularly like to share with you my thoughts regarding why it is that some people seem to be psychic, and others not. And why the scientific community has had such difficulty in agreeing whether intuitive abilities exist, or not. I’m going to draw upon some of the popular comments that sceptics and skeptics have made, and suggest another way to investigate the problem of inconsistency when it comes to collecting evidence about psychic abilities. That is to pose the question: Why do some experiments yield significant results which confirm that intuitive abilities exist, whereas other experiments yield no such results?

As I write this, I remember one reading that I did that I felt gave great evidence for the existence of psychic abilities, life after death, and the capacity for physical humans to communicate with non-physical humans. I was reading for a woman, discussing her job, when suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I saw a man in his 40s with thick black hair standing next to her. He told me that he was the woman’s father and he told me to mention the number 5. He put his hand up and spread out his fingers, like you would if you were trying to express the number five to someone who is out of hearing range. Now, I have learned not to interfere or argue with these experiences and just do as I’m told, so I stopped what I was saying and told her, ‘Your Dad is standing next to you. He has thick black hair, he’s in his 40s and he said that it’s very important that I mention the number 5 to you.’ A silence hung in the air for a long moment- I had no idea what she was going to say next. She stared at me, wide-eyed and unblinking, and all the colour drained from her face. She swallowed hard and begun to reach for her bag with a shaky hand. I asked her if she was alright and that I hoped I hadn’t upset her- I thought she was going to get up and leave! She didn’t reply, but continued to fumble around in her bag, and before long, she pulled out a photograph and handed it to me silently, before covering her face with her hands. I took the photo from her, and there he was, with his mop of black hair standing with his family. ‘Turn it over,’ she said from behind her hands. I turned the photo over and on the back was written, ‘Dad if it’s really you then say the number 5.’ The digit 5 was circled several times in black biro. She was shocked, but she wasn’t half as shocked as I was!

Being a student of philosophy, I am compelled to interrogate ‘how?’ and ‘why?’ that amazing and meaningful experience happened. ‘That’s just one occasion’, the skeptics amongst you may say, but this is just one example of the kind of repetitive phenomena that I, and other psychics, have had the absolute joy, amazement and bewilderment to be a part of over and over again.

So what’s the problem? Surely this would make news headlines and would be considered irrefutable evidence for the existence of psychic abilities? Well…not so fast. Whatever science says goes, and so far, the scientific community cannot agree on what psychic phenomena is, or if it even exists. In my opinion, the reason that science has so much difficulty ‘proving’ psychic ability under test conditions is two-fold.

First, because scientists have gone way, way off track with what the nature of psychic ability actually is and so many experiments are not fit for purpose.

Second, because, like quantum physics, observation, expectation, prejudice and belief influence psychic transactions, and thus, the outcome of the experiments. This is why the answer is always ‘inconclusive’ after a large amount of data is gathered.

People all over the world are experiencing psychic phenomena every day, and it’s getting more and more common, and of greater and greater significance to people’s lives. The proof is in the empirical data. Sceptics, skeptics and scientists need to admit that their findings are inconclusive at best, and resist the urge to say ‘psychic phenomena does not exist and we are going to prove it’. This is begging the question at issue. People who have experienced psychic phenomena are not anti-science. We trusted science when it told us that penicillin worked, and we all gave the thumbs-up when physical science said they desperately needed to build a Hadron Collider. We want science to have the answer. On the matter of psychic phenomena, we are not trying to be stupid or difficult, it’s just that science cannot falsify my experiences!

I believe that the reason that psychic ability experiments yield inconclusive results is because the scientific method requires that psychic abilities, if they exist, must abide by a law of nature, a formula, or a physical force that works by a set of rules…but why? Who decided that psychic ability takes that form? On what basis is this expectation founded? Every experiment surrounding psychic ability starts off by insisting that psychic ability be subjected to lab-based experimentation. This is a materialist view which requires that everything in existence be physically provable. However, there are, evidently, many, many things that exist that are non-physical, to which psychic phenomena is akin. Dreams, thoughts, love, interests, inspiration, and 94% of the Universe is non-physical, yet no one questions that they ‘exist’, so why are psychic abilities lumped into the ‘physical’ category? You can no more devise a lab-based test to prove the existence of psychic abilities than you could devise a repeatable lab-based test that proves I love my mother. There is no test for ‘I love my mother’. There is no formula that proves beyond doubt. There is no law that can be discovered to which ‘I love my mother’ abides, yet love my mother I do. So, if love were to be subjected to the same ‘repeatable-in-a-lab’ standards that psychic phenomena has been dragged through, science would be forced to conclude that I do not love my mother. Is science right to tell me that I don’t love my mother just because my love cannot be measured by the scientific method? ‘I’m sorry Lauren, I know you think you love your mother but we can’t find any formula that proves it and if you take a look at this graph, you’ll find that you do not, in fact, love your mother because there is no law that governs your alleged ‘love’ so give up this foolish idea ok?’ What an empty life that would be.

Psychic abilities are akin to a feeling, a talent, an artform- not a law of nature, so sceptical scientists need to stop trying to make psychic abilities fit into an irrelevant and erroneous mould, followed by self-congratulation for ‘proving’ that psychic ability doesn’t exist because it hasn’t met the conditions set by their unfounded and close-minded expectation of its nature.

Psychic abilities are easily influenced by a number of factors. Take this analogy:

An artist who is passionate about painting is contacted by a group of scientists who say, ‘We are not convinced that there is any such thing as art. We don’t believe that what you do is art, and we don’t like what you do. To prove that you are an ‘artist’ and that art exists, you need to come into this laboratory, get hooked up to a machine and produce your greatest work under a time pressure, and under the conditions that we set for you. As you do that, we are going to watch you, doubt you and attempt to disprove you. We will judge whether you are good enough or not. We are fit to decide if you are an artist. If you decline then we will tell everyone that you are not an artist and that your declination has proven that there is no such thing as art.’

Do you honestly think that this artist will be able to go to that laboratory and produce the greatest work of his life?! Of course not! Yet, these are the conditions, implied and/or explicit, under which psychics are expected to ‘prove’ their abilities.

Now consider this:

An artist receives a letter from a scientist that says, ‘We are really interested in your art. We are enthusiastic to understand how you produce your work, and we would like to do some research into what makes people believe so deeply in your work. We want to observe you in your own environment, over a period of time, to get a sense of how you work, and what inspires you and to find out if there’s anything new that we can learn about art through your process. We will treat you with respect and we will let you work at your usual, natural pace. Would you give us permission to do that?’

Do you think that this scientist is likely to learn something amazing about art, inspiration and how it is produced? Of course! This scientist may just get to experience this artist’s greatest work from inception to completion because he or she is working with the artist in situ, with open-mindedness and respect.

The frequency and accuracy of psychic phenomena increases with trust, support, encouragement and nurturing. It disappears with doubt, scorn, ridicule and a desire to prove that it doesn’t exist. If any scientist, experimenter, (or even client!) approaches psychic work with a heartful of scorn, condemnation and doubt, then they are never going to experience psychic ability at work. The existence of psychic ability is wholly subjective and depends ENTIRELY on the sum of collective bias. If the majority of people involved in the experiment are supportive, open-minded and encouraging, amazing things will be observed. If most people involved in the experiment are doubtful, scornful, desperate to prove the non-existence of the abilities and are inflexible with their methods then they will get exactly the result they are looking for: little to nil phenomena will show up. The psychic person is just like the artist, expected to produce his or her finest work, being watched by a roomful of doubting eyes, and when he or she fails, the skeptics (who secretly wanted to witness failure all along) give themselves a pat on the back and deem the case closed.

For any sceptics, skeptics, scientists, psychologists or parapsychologists reading this, try this:

Divide your existing data up into two categories: the experiment results of ‘majority of believers involved in experiments’ and ‘majority of skeptics involved in experiments’. You will see that the data findings are congruent with the respective ‘belief’ or ‘doubt’ sum of the group, not because anyone has been fiddling with the digits, or because of nit-picking at the method of experimentation, but because the mental expectation of the majority of those involved influences the outcome. Just like in quantum physics, observation itself, and the conditions of observation, affects the results, outcomes and evidence of psychic experiments, especially when that observations are being made by thinking beings who, knowingly or unknowingly, pour their prejudices and expectatons into EVERY STEP of the experimentation process, many of whom then go on to expect a replicable and unbiased result. It’s impossible!

I have one piece of advice for anyone who wants to experiment to discover whether or not psychic abilities really exist:

Experiment on yourself!

There is always room to doubt the findings, testimony and research of other people, especially if you are skeptical. The nature of psychic ability, like love or preference, is so subjective that the only data you can trust as being true (for you) is data you collect about yourself. Make your decision about what to believe based on that, because it is YOUR truth, and it’s the only truth you’re ever going to get. There is no objective number. There is no objective ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Psychic ability exists insofar as you will permit it to exist.

Check out this video of a well-known skeptic discovering his intuitive abilities for the first time:

Until next time: Practice psychic experiments with a friend whom you trust. Take turns at visualizing a colour. The person who is visualizing, ‘beams’ the colour across to the receiving person, who must write down which colour the sender was thinking of. Try it at different times of the day, at different locations, during different moon phases etc. and see if the results vary as to how many times you get it right or wrong. Whatever your findings are, you have permission to accept that they are true for you. I would love to know what you find and if your psychical connectivity increases over time the more you build trust between you both, and the connection to each other increases. Feel free to share your thoughts and findings by clicking on the comment bubble below.

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Next Week: E is for ‘Ethical Living’.

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